Getting Started with Macrobiotics

Here are some ideas for getting started or for improving a macrobiotic practice.

1. Read the book Essential Guide to Macrobiotics by Carl Ferré. Then, see the list below for additional book ideas.

2. If you know nothing (or very little) about macrobiotics, scroll down and read the articles in Julia Ferré’s Beginning Series from our Macrobiotics Today magazine.

3. Finding classes or someone to talk with in your area is helpful. E-mail us at and tell us where you are—we will e-mail back with any contact persons we have. You can also search the links in our list of Macrobiotic Organizations.

4. Sign up for Macrobiotics Today magazine—the only magazine dedicated exclusively to providing macrobiotic news and information. Here are some Sample articles from past issues of Macrobiotics Today. Past issues of the magazine are available for purchase in our Store.

5. Sign Up for the monthly Macrobiotic Connections Newsletter to be sent to your email address giving you the latest news about events happening in the macrobiotic community around the world.

6. Here are the books we recommend for a basic macrobiotic library:


Essential Guide to Macrobiotics by Carl Ferré – Simplify macrobiotic theory and discover how it applies to your life.

Macrobiotics: An Invitation to Health and Happiness by George Ohsawa and Herman Aihara – One of the first introductory
macrobiotic titles.


Basic Macrobiotic Cooking by Julia Ferré – Lots of easy recipes with advice on what to buy and where to buy it.

French Meadows Cookbook by Julia Ferre – Popular recipes from the French Meadows Summer Camp.


Essential Ohsawa by George Ohsawa, edited by Carl Ferré – The best book of Ohsawa writings.


Food and Intuition 101: Awakening Intuition by Julia Ferré – Volume One of Julia’s best seller!

Acid Alkaline Companion by Carl Ferré – Simplified chemistry and many useful tables.

Beginning Series by Julia Ferré

The following articles are from a six-part series published in Macrobiotics Today in 2008.

What Can Macrobiotics Do For You?

Macrobiotics can change your life. It can help you feel better and awaken new awareness. Many people attest to the trasformation they experience. Some people use macrobiotics to heal from illness…Other people talk of spirituality…Still others use macrobiotics to promote peace….

What is Macrobiotics?

A macrobiotic diet is one a per­son can adopt for a long time—for some people, a lifetime—as a means to improve quality of life. One of the underlying premises is that quality food creates health, health creates vi­tality, and vitality creates freedom—freedom from disease, freedom from pain, freedom to have peace of mind….

Where’s the Nutrition?

If I’ve been asked once I’ve been asked a hundred times, “Where do you get protein?” or, Where do you get calcium?” To be fair, the ques­tions arise less these days as less peo­ple rely on animal foods for protein or calcium. Nevertheless the question remains, “Does a macrobiotic diet supply adequate nutrition?”…

Does Macrobiotics Heal Disease?

Macrobiotics is a tool, a way to reju­venate, an application of ideas that help individuals become strong. This is where healing occurs. Healing hap­pens from internal strength and pow­er—some call it the immune system; some call it constitutional fortitude; some call it the grace of God….

What is the Philosophy of Macrobiotics?

Philosophy is the driving force behind macrobiotics. It pro­vides meaning for how to live, inspiration to change perspective and habits, and impetus to do cer­tain things and to avoid other things. It may seem—at first glance—that macrobiotics is only about diet, yet macrobiotics is more than food just as yoga is more than exercise….

Macrobiotics Beyond Food

Okay, I admit it—this series is more than a way to spell out why macrobiotics is other than diet. Sure, these six install­ments offer answers to questions about macrobiotics and hopefully en­lighten and inform. However, one of my goals is to share my love of great macrobiotic books….